Patrick Arends

Overview forbaby

4 weeks to go...

...but that’s just what they say. Someone has to pick a date in order for HR at work to know when to expect it and get maternity and paternity stuff sorted. In reality, only 5% of babies are born on the official due date. As my colleagues told me: the due date is definitely NOT the day you need to book off work! (more)


3 weeks to go...

Don’t worry, I’m not planning to post weekly updates! However, this weekend we’ve done some more bits and bobs in the nursery. Some finishing touches that you know you need to do, but never really find the energy to just go and do. This morning’s sunlight was brilliant, and I decided to take some pictures of the baby room. At this time I can take my time to take some shots, but soon the focus will be on our baby girl…! (more)