Patrick Arends

Overview forUSA

Camera Trauma

Even though this travel was over a year ago, I never got around posting anything about this fantastic journey yet. The Grand Canyon is 446km in length, up to 29km wide, 1.6km deep and is about 17 million years old.  That is impressive!

It’s quite difficult to get the amazing spatial experience across through photography, as anything that could give away the scale (for instance people) are so tiny, you can't even see them. But look at the photographs, and thou shall find!

My personal moment of camera trauma happened when we were on a hike inside the canyon. I’ve set up my camera on a tripod, and with the self-timer on the way, I could see the camera tipping over, very slowly. Not slow enough for me to catch it before it actually hit the deck – and took the trauma selfie! Luckily the camera hit the rocks on its back, so the lens was fine. Not too much damage, the lens needed to be calibrated to the camera body again, and the evidence is an Epic Fail Selfie! (more)